Sadly, I've discovered a new and disturbing trend in myself. When I'm worn out from a hard day of school and dodging crazy people on the highway it's really hard to concentrate on getting my projects done. Yes, that is projects with an 's'. Let me take you on a small tour of my distractions.
First up, the Elizabethan tall hat!

This little beauty is supposed to be done in time for the final dress rehearsal of this fall's Baron's Men show. That will be Tuesday of next week. I've had the parts all cut out and waiting to be assembled for over a month now. Should it ever get finished, it will be covered in a lovely gold brocade and lined in a shockingly bright royal blue silk. I have no idea when that might be.
Next up, the experimental fuzzy purple armwarmers:

I've got a friend who works in an office filled with computers all day. She gets cold very easily and asked me to make her some arm warmers. I agreed then figured out that I didn't have the right measurements for the set. While I was chewing over the patterns available, my daughter leaned over my shoulder and demanded a set for herself. Since she's here, I can use her to figure out exactly which measurements I'll need from my friend who happens to live a few states away. These might actually be done sometime this year if I can quit messing up the math and just settle in for good long knit.
Then we have the Blue Stripey Sock:

This poor sock has been in the process for over a year. I pick it up, do a few rounds, put it down and then misplace it. Currently the sock is living in my backpack and I'm using it to distract and annoy my morning lecturer. It's ok, the feeling is mutual.
I've also got the Stalled Beading/Embroidery Project:

This picture doesn't have the tiny gold glass beads in it and all the colors seem a little pinker then in real life. The bodice is for my daughter and it's a very rich garnet colored velvet. I'm trying to find a pretty, late period, slightly Spanish-looking pattern that I can put on it but I haven't made up my mind yet. This needs to be done before Candlemas (first weekend of Feb. ) next year. It might happen.
Right this second, I've got a Cooking Experiment going on:

This slightly scatological looking set-up is my test batch of beef jerky. I'm experimenting with different spices, wines, and cuts of meat to see what will work best. While I expect this will be done inside of an hour, I'm going to have to arm myself and stand watch over it, since the family is sniffing around like late-winter bears.
Now why am I doing all of this right now? It's avoidance actually. By taking on multiple projects, many of which have a finite deadline, I'm avoiding both my homework ( just kidding Madame Jackson!), and I've avoiding having to try and put this:

The pile in the library, into this:

Which is a very small craft room. I've been working at getting rid of things in there for months now and it's much smaller then it used to be, but it's not done yet.
In between all this, I'm still broadcasting every Thursday night on the CAPE Radio, working on the Board of Directors for The Baron's Men, working with the local Red Cross to help flood victims, talking to schools for the Education Committee, and attempting to be a wife and mother. I have a theory I'll meet myself going down the stairs one of these days and that'll be the end of me. In the meantime though, it's kind of nice to be busy again.
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