Thursday, June 17, 2010

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

So the other day my new room mate was watching over my shoulder as I navigated one of my pixelated darlings through the caves and sewers under Paragon City. I was showing off my favorite computer game, City of Heros and I lamented that my system is just a little old. I couldn't show off all the really awesome graphics and fabulous reflections because I had one measly little gig of memory and a video card that sometimes grinds its teeth and growls at me.

"I've got some spare memory," he said "You can have it if you want."
I jumped on that like a duck on a june bug and we got it into the rig last night. I was able to play for several more hours afterwards with the game just humming along. No more avoiding teams because it takes half the mission for me to get through the door! No more avoiding Atlas Park because I have to move one frame per second!

This morning I got up and turned the computer on. It began to loop, refusing to boot up at all. Eventually, I got it to come on in safe mode and called my husband who handles my tech issues and nervous breakdowns regularly. He suspects the memory might have been bad and that the image on my hard drive may be corrupted. *sigh*

Later today I'm going to be attempting to broadcast my streaming radio program by using my laptop for the game-side and a separate music machine. I envy the octopus who knows where each of his arms is at any given time.

Today I am thankful that I have a laptop, grateful that there is a work-around, and vowing to keep my mouth shut and be happier with what I have in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't played CoH in YEARS. Glad to see some still do! It is a great game.
