Monday, May 21, 2012

Gray Cats, Black Dogs, and Cephlopods

I have a pair of gray cats. I got them both from different shelters, about a year apart. The older one is named Smokey Topaz, for his fur and striking eye color.

The younger is Theodore Roosevelt because he's a bully little cat and I didn't want to call him Winston. Also, he's sort of fat so we speak softly and carry a large cat.

A few weeks ago, Smoke ran away. He's been an indoor cat his entire life, all nearly 13 years of it. I had to borrow a trap from the Humane Society to get him back in the house because he was so freaked out by the Big Blue Room. His geek tan was gone, he was running a fever and something had bit or stung him on the nose, causing it to swell badly. So Smoke had to visit the Cat Hospital, which is just about his least favorite place on earth.
The vet told me he was ok, except for the nose. I was told to take him home and feed him these little pills everyday for a week and he'd be fine. I took him home, opened the cage door and he took off like he'd been lit on fire. I didn't' even SEE him for over a week, although I was fairly sure he was in the house as I heard heart-tearing mewling every night. Eventually I cornered him in the workshop and got him pinned in a small bathroom with food, water, and a litterbox. Vet was called and informed me that cat might be slightly feral due to basically having a kitty break-down and I'd have to start civilizing him from the beginning. So it's brushing and gentle conversation and attempted petting every other hour or so. I have yet to get a pill into him, but he's starting to trust me again. One step at a time.

This, mixed with a few other things going on, combined to make me feel really bad last night.My Celtic ancestors sometimes referred to it as "chased by a Black Dog". In the Appalachians where some of my folks are from I've heard it called "a Black Dog on your porch". I was in that spot where you don't want to talk to anyone, but you NEED someone to come a tell you it's all ok. Crippled by my own inability to ask for help and locked in a place of self-hate I did what most people I know do. I went to the internet.

I tried funny cat pictures, I tried looking at costumes, I tried chatting to people on-line. None of it helped. Then I decided I just needed to make something, anything, as long as it was small, cute, and fast. I popped over to Ravelry and found this pattern for a Crochet Octopus
This pattern was fast, it made sense, it was well shaped and 2 hours later I had a cephlopod. I messed the head up a little so it doesn't know if it's a squid or an octopus, but it's darn cute. I'm going to give it eyes and a name sometime today.

TL:DR "Kitty pictures and Cute Crochet!"

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